Frequent questions

How do I make my online purchases?
  1. Select the category you are interested in and then the product you want.
  2. By clicking on the product, you can see information about it (such as dimensions, composition, price).
  3. Select the product you want to buy to add it to the "Cart". Then proceed to the next step to complete your order or return to categories to continue shopping.
  4. To complete your purchase you can register on the site or proceed as a "Guest".
  5. For the delivery of the products, the shipment is made via the courier to the address you wish.
  6. Choose the desired payment method (by debit or credit card, by Paypal, by Viva Payments, by cash on delivery and by bank deposit).
  7. Confirm your order.
  8. You will then receive an email confirming your order.

    Are all Achilleas products available in the e-shop?

    Most of the product lines are common to the stores and the e-shop. However, there are some exclusive lines available only in stores.

    I received my order but an item is missing. What should I do;

    If a product is missing from your order, you can contact the relevant department of the e-shop at 210-9888649 or by email , Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00.

    If something doesn't work for me or I don't like it, can I change it?

    If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can contact the relevant department of the e-shop at or at 210-9888649 (Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00) to arrange the return or exchange of the product. This process must be done within 15 working days from the date of receipt, while the product must be in its original condition with tags and receipt or gift card. Product returns are made at our main store at: Sitias 1A, Postal Code 13561, Agioi Anargyroi. For hygiene reasons, no returns are made on earrings. Shipping costs for returns are the responsibility of the customer. Changes are made to products that are on sale but not to products that are on sale (bazaar category).

    Are there refunds?

    In case you want to return a product, please first contact the relevant department of the e-shop at 210-9888649 or email (Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00). Then - and after consultation with the above department - you can return the product to the company's headquarters (Siteias 1A, Postal Code 13561, Agioi Anargyroi). After we have received the product, your money will be refunded by depositing the amount to the bank account you indicate to us if you had paid by cash on delivery, credit card or bank deposit. In case the payment was made via Paypal, the amount of your money will be returned via Paypal. Your money will be refunded within fourteen (14) working days.

    How much are the shipping costs?

    Shipping costs are €4.00 for the whole of Greece for cash on delivery payments and €2.90 for card payments. For international shipments, the charges vary according to the kilos. In this case, you will be informed by email or phone about the charge.

    With which company are the shipments made?

    In Greece, shipments are made with Speedex. In Cyprus and the rest of the countries abroad, shipments are made with TNT.

    Can I cancel my order?

    In the event that you wish to cancel your order while it has been completed, you should contact the relevant department of the eshop at 210-9888649 or by email (Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00).

    When will I receive my order?

    For shipments concerning Greece, deliveries are made within 1-3 working days. For shipments related to foreign deliveries, delivery takes place within 10-14 days.

    Can I track the progress of my order?

    Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with your package tracking number. By entering the number on the Speedex website ( ) you will be able to see exactly the status of your shipment.

    How can I change my details?

    You can access the profile you have created by clicking on the "My Account" link located at the top right of the webpage. Then select your details to make the changes you want.

    I have forgotten my password. What should I do;

    If you have forgotten your password, click on 'Forgot my password' on your account login page and follow the instructions.

    Who could I contact about my online purchases?

    For domestic purchases, you can contact the relevant department of the e-shop at email , Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00. For purchases related to abroad you can contact by email .